Valent Pavlić
“Obstacles. Shortcuts.”

Illustrations created for the anthology "Obstacles. Shortcuts." written by Valent Pavlić.

"Obstacles. Shortcuts." are literature that comes in a concentrate, in a distilled genre of a view of the world that notices the subtle nuances of human aspirations, longings, expectations, failures, efforts, wonders, and delusions. All of this is seasoned with quiet irony that does not judge, but only lustfully observe, creating from the prosaic moments of everyday life superior literature. From a child whose birth was decided by the toss of a coin to a centenarian who in a nursing home does not have the strength to avoid his birthday, there is an entire exhibition of lives, like an encyclopedia of the living in which each entry contains something that we have experienced, heard, noticed and known, only we did not know how to give a deeper meaning. (source: